Below, we have developed a meditation experience for the SuperRare series inspired by particle-wave duality, a fundamental concept in physics that describes the behavior of particles as waves and vice versa. This phenomenon was first observed in the famous double-slit experiment, which demonstrated that particles could interfere with each other like waves.
The concept of Light is central to this understanding. Light is a form of energy that can exist as both a particle (photon) and a wave, simultaneously. It is this duality that allows each viewer to see the artwork in different ways.
When viewed as a particle, the artwork appears as an object. However, when viewed as a wave, it manifests as pure energy. By exploring this concept, the project invites us to question our perceptions and explore the energies beyond perceived reality. It challenges us to consider that what we see simply depicts the existence of a higher truth. Ultimately, the archive visualizes the understanding that everything is connected because it is infused with Light - whether we sense it optically as a particle or energetically as a wave.
By transforming the digitally scanned and folded analog image (representing a particle) into a liquid mandala (representing a wave), we aim to provide a higher spiritual awareness of Light in its various forms.

Elemental (organic) Earth seen from the rhythmic flowing perspectives of Angels. “This means that nature is seen in terms of energy that is generated simultaneously by external local forces & by essential inner forces as crystallized in complex polarized patterns.”
Lawrence Horn
“If one knew how to read these figures [Primal Vision] the mysteries of Primal Time would begin to unfold like petals in a Rose.”
Lawrence Horn
A Mandala is a cosmic lens that focuses God’s Primal Energy field into our Heart, either directly (Mystical), or through the 3rd eye (Mediated). 3rd eye chakra meditation may lead to direct experience.
Polarized Attunement releases the coagulated forces of an event-field, clearing them for higher responses to actual Spirit.

Each spiral is a world unto itself, transforming complex original images into realities possessing Third-eye perspectives, refering back to Primal Cultural Reservoirs (in order to postpone our contemporary cultural collapse.)
New NFT consciousness moves in an open & fluid direction, rather than the art world, which focuses on object oriented displays.

These images have the immediate impact of music, the beauty of poetic colors, and the trance-like power of dreams to shift consciouness into multifaceted modes of perception. The movement suggests bouquets of faceted color spiraling through starbursts of polarized time.

These mandalas are maps of higher consciousness, dissolving the boundary between Psyche & Cosmos. Each figure has an encrypted key vibration (immanent parallax) that attunes the 3rd-eye chakra to hidden harmonies, Illuminating the moment in Real Time.
They activate certain optical/retinal triggers in interactive flowing colored wave patterns that are able to leave direct impressions in optical memory because it penetrates directly into the unconscious. The viewer is passive—the image moves out toward the viewer, and the rotation operates like a screw which is spiral shaped, leaving a psychic as well as a retinal response. Memory is the means for holding on to the energy in the image.
The spiraling rhythm that gives you a deep perception/memory/afterimage is the same energy that pulls solar energy toward the center of the Figure, and holds the universe together as it spins from the black central void toward the outer reaches of Time. That energy is inscribed and crystallized on the slides, unfolded, and is presented as a Mandala.

Hyper polarized (IR/CRYSTALLIZED) figures can PULL cosmic energy into the moment generating expanding/contracting harmonies of surface/depth & chromatic play.
Cosmic energy is a cycle (circle) of “pure timeless energy”. Hyper-polarity can pull/induce/transduce this energy into a crystallized Analog present that grounds reality in real time.

The use of digital processes expands, doubles, extracts energy & optical structures from the original slide, releasing it in in new rhythms & gestalts.
Digital photography eliminates both real solar vibrations & time as grounded on a physical surface. All digital photography > VR, the Metaverse being the ultimate expression of it.
The Metaverse creates a Simulation whereas real images create an Illusion in which the Imagination can freely operate. “I understand that VR will make people aware of what we’re doing, but I can’t really enter it’s space as a participant.”